Please use the above link or this 7d884fa5262b62b8735502da003fee34061db49b referral code as I will get a small kick back if you do sign up. Their setup instructions are solid so use that to provision a Debian 7 instance. With the basic package I am able to run a Freeswtich VOIP server, Minecraft, email, and few websites. Yes, there are chepaer alternatives out there but heed the warning that you get what you pay for. I have been with them for over 5 years now and can not say enough good things about them. If you don't have yet a linux server I recommend going with Linode Xen VPS hosting - the basic first package will suffice. And so along with my server I have decided to run a 24/7 dedicated one for Starbound below is how I did it.
Based on watching few videos and playing it for a bit I concluded that except for the over abundant life and loot on every planet this game appeals to me very much.
Starbound is a Terraria survival/build like game set in space. Setting up persistent Starbound on Debian